Xamarin Saturday

Next Saturday in Toronto is Xamarin Saturday!

In case you haven’t heard, the Toronto Mobile .NET Developers group is hosting a full-day session, Xamarin Saturday, on August 24th at BSI Labs. Whether you are totally new to Xamarin or are an experienced Xamarin expert, we will have something for everyone!

Xamarin Saturday – August 24th, 2019 at BSI Labs Toronto

We will have an incredible line-up of speakers:

  • Allan Ritchie
  • Andres Pineda
  • Andrew Hoefling
  • David Ortinau
  • Mark Arteaga
  • Martin Finkel

For more information, check out the Xamarin Saturday schedule.

Additionally, if you are new to Xamarin, you can join us on Tuesday (August 20th) at 6pm at BSI Labs for a hands-on session for setting up your development environment so you can maximize your learning experience in Xamarin Saturday’s Xamarin 101 workshop.

If you’re joining us, please RSVP to the Xamarin Saturday event on Meetup. We hope to see you next weekend!